Vority Dual USB Car Charger: Power Up Devices

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Dual USB Car Charger:Duo31CC
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to be connected all the time while still staying on the go. Mobile devices and ever-smarter phones have gone a long way to achieving this constant connectivity, but you’re in trouble once their batteries run out of juice. Though it’s a simple enough matter to plug them in to charge, there are days when you just don’t have the time to be a slave to a wall socket. For this reason, it’s a good idea to get the VorityFast & Smart dual USB car charger.

Of course, you could conceivably purchase the brand-specific car chargers provided by the manufacturers of your mobile devices, but these will, at best, only work for a certain (i.e. limited) set of gadgets. They are also capable of charging only one device at a time. This just won’t do if you’re the kind of person who needs a smart phone to reach your contacts and a tablet to monitor the blogosphere!

The Vority dual USB car charger will work for any device that can be connected to a USB port – from the Nokia Lumia to the Samsung Galaxy phones to an iPad or iPhone – and the best part is that it will work for two devices at once. The two ports are for different kinds of devices (2.1 Amp for tablets and 1.0 Amp for phones), and both will charge at full speed even if both slots are occupied.

Vority Dual USB Car Charger

If that’s not enough to get you interested, the Vority charger also boasts superb safety features. It won’t overheat and it will only charge your phone if the correct current and voltage are running through it. This neat device will also automatically start charging at minimal levels once the batteries are full so as to avoid the unnecessary wear and tear caused by overcharging.

This dual USB car charger is on sale right now on Amazon for just $25.99, and will be shipped anywhere in the States for free. Given that and the 2-year warranty, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t check out the Vority Fast & Smart Duo 31CC charger right away!

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